Serving Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas.





 All Cardiac Science Product prices are listed MSRP. Large discounts are given. Call for your special pricing. AED Physician Prescriptions are provided FREE of CHARGE through Cardiac Science.


 Cardiac Science AED G3 Semi-Automatic--------------------------------$2495.00

 Cardiac Science AED G3 Automatic--------------------------------------$2495.00

 Wall Case with Audible and Visual Alarm----------------------------------$299.00

 Wall Sleeve----------------------------------------------------------------$65.00

 Portable Carry Case------------------------------------------------------$200.00

 Ready Kit (razor, scissors, alcohol wipes, 4x4s, CPR mask, gloves)-------$100.00

 Adult Electrodes----------------------------------------------------------$125.00

 Pediatric Electrodes-------------------------------------------------------$140.00

 Full 4 Year Battery--------------------------------------------------------$325.00


Industrial Kit (AED G3, Ready Kit, 2 Adult Electrodes, Wall Case with Alarms)------------------------------$1550.00

Day Care Kit (AED G3, Ready Kit, 2 Adult Electrode, 1 Pediatric Electrode, Wall Case with Alarms)----------$1625.00

Home Kit (AED G3, Ready Kit, 2 Adult Electrode, 1 Pediatric Electrode)-------------------------------------$1400.00

Churches & Schools (AED G3, Ready Kit, 2 Adult Electrodes, 1 Pediatric Electrode, Wall Case with Alarms)--$1625.00



The American Heart Association has made numerous changes. Those changes REQUIRE each student taking the course to purchase their own book. These books range in price from $12.00 - $15.00 each plus shipping depending on the course that is being taken. The change also eliminated the need for a written exam EXCEPT for Healthcare Providers. In order to meet these requirements, I must have a very good idea of how many will be attending the training so that I can have the correct amount of books. The cost of the books are in ADDITION to the prices listed below. For every 6 students, there must be 1 instructor. If you anticipate a group larger then 6, I need to know before class time in order to have the correct student/instructor ratio. These are AHA Guidelines.

The prices listed below are good for all classes within a 100 mile area. A $5.00 per person charge will be added for all classes outside the 100 mile area. There will also be a charge of $0.50 per mile round trip and a $10.00 per hour drive time fee. Group rates and Corporate rates are available. To be sure of the exact prices for your business, give me a call.

 Health Care Professionals

 Healthcare Provider--------------------------------------------------------------$40.00 each

 Respirator & N-95 Fit Testing---------------------------------------------------$50.00 each

 Industrial Courses

 Heartsaver CPR/AED------------------------------------------------------------$40.00 each

 Heartsaver First Aid-------------------------------------------------------------$40.00 each

 Heartsaver First Aid, AED & CPR------------------------------------------------$50.00 each

 Heartsaver CPR-----------------------------------------------------------------$30.00 each

 SCBA & Respirator Fit Testing--------------------------------------------------$50.00 each

 Fire Extinguisher Training-------------------------------------------------------$45.00 each

 Day Cares

 Pediatric CPR & First Aid--------------------------------------------------------$35.00 each

 Non Credentialed Courses

 Family and Friends --------------------------------------------------------------$25.00 each

 CPR in Public Schools------------------------------------------------------------$25.00 each